Literacy and Education
Self-Reliance Group Class
Education for Better Work - pdf manual
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Economic Self-Reliance articles BYU Marriott Business (Single Mothers, Microenterprise, Microfranchise (.docx)
Tall Embark language learning program - Free (link)
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Other Education information available:
English Connect Programs (Link)
English Connect Materials (Link)
BYU Pathway Worldwide Programs (Link)
English Connect 2 Pre-test (Link)
English Connect Proficiency interview for 1 and 2 (Link)
englishconnect_workbook_1 English (.pdf)
englishconnect_workbook_1 Spanish (.pdf)
englishconnect_workbook_1 Swahili (.pdf)
englishconnect_workbook_2 English (.pdf)
englishconnect_workbook_2 Spanish (.pdf)
englishconnect_workbook_2 Swahili (.pdf)
ENGLISHCONNECT 1 for worksheet (.docx)
ENGLISHCONNECT 2 for workbook (.docx)
Literacy and Education
Standard: To the extent of his capacity, each person is able to read, write, and do basic mathematics.
He regularly studies the scriptures and other good books. Parents teach these skills and habits to family
members, and both parents and children take advantage of educational opportunities.
(See D&C 88:77-80, 118; 90:15; 130:18-19.)
Suggested Goals:
a. Obtain a copy of the standard works for each family member.
b. Study the scriptures regularly.
c. Read good books regularly.
d. Use the local public library and take advantage of special seminars, conferences, and courses.
e. Take advantage of on-the-job training opportunities.
f. Other: