Financial and Resource Management
Self-Reliance Group Class
Personal Finance - pdf manual
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Other Finance Related information
Personal Finance Addendum - Supplement to Personal Finance Manual (Link)
1 - One for the Money (English)(URL)(Link)
2 - One for the Money (Spanish)(URL)(Link)
BYU Pathway Worldwide Programs (Link)
Church Counseling Resources Document
Financial and Resource Management
Standard: Each person establishes financial goals, pays tithes and offerings, avoids debts, pays obligations, uses family resources wisely,
and saves during times of plenty for times of need. (See D&C 42:54; 104:78-79; 119:5-6; Isaiah 58:6-8
3. Financial and Resource Management
a. Pay a full tithing, a generous fast offering, and other offerings.
b. Properly budget your money.
c. Live within your income.
d. Plan major purchases, avoiding credit purchases.
e. Work toward home ownership.
f. Get out of debt.
g. Have a savings plan.
h. Provide financial security for times of disability and advanced age.
i. Take better care of your possessions.
j. Other: