General Preparedness Information

Home Storage Module
Gardening Module
Water Supply Module

Rockford Illinois Stake Specific:
Temporal Preparedness Handbook R1 (.pdf) (27Mb)
Preparedness Goals R1 (.docx)
Rockford First Ward Plan(.docx)
DeKalb Local Resource links (.docx)
211 Information in Rockford Stake Area (.pdf)
Rockford Area Food Pantries (.xls) updated 8/5/23
Apartments & Homes for Rent in Sycamore Ward Boundaries(.docx)
Sycamore Ward Preparedness and Self-Reliance Plan(.docx)
Belvidere Community Resources List 1-30-20 (.pdf)
Winnebago County PREPARE Booklet (.pdf)(Link)
Rockford IL Emergency Services and Disaster Agency Guide (Link)
End of Rockford Illinois Stake Specific

Family Preparedness Plan - 72 hours
Tornado Preparedness Information Sheet (.pdf)

Stake and Ward Emergency Planning Guide (.doc)
Emergency Response Guide (.pdf)

North Central Area Preparedness Guide(.pdf)(Link)

Relief Society Preparedness and self-reliance questions (.pdf)
American Red Cross - Church MOU (Link)
AARP Emergency Preparedness Tips(Link)
Welfare Products Overview document with qr code
Welfare Products Overview (Link)
Elders Quorum Connection (.pdf)

Intro to Emergency Mgt (.zip)

Stake and Ward Emergency Planning Guide (.doc)
Emergency Response Guide (.pdf)

Local Pop Up Food Pantries Calendar (Link)
To find local food pantries and pop up markets by county (.pdf)

Goodwill - Sample Attire-Household Voucher 2022 (.docx)
Goodwill - Clothing voucher guide for Agencies 2022 (.docx)
Goodwill - Attire-Household Voucher 2022 (.docx)

Community Services of Catholic Charities YWCA Salvation Army and 211 information as of 9/1/2023 (.docx)

Skills and Talents Survey Form (.xls)

Personal and Family Preparedness Wheel (.docx)
Senior and veterans discounts (.pdf)